Manager Seminars of the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy

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Plan your success - step by step with the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy
Thematic world

Expand the knowledge of your employees, specialists and managers now

Professional success depends on various internal and external factors.

While you can very rarely steer external influences, you are in control of everything that concerns yourself. Whether it's professional knowledge and experience, soft skills or personal attitude - with appropriate seminars and further training, you can continuously develop yourself and thus adapt to new trends, requirements and changes in the market. In our seminars you have the opportunity to work on your soft skills and attitudes in order to achieve your professional goal.

You want to apply for a position for which you need special skills? Or do you want to learn methods that will make your everyday work or entry into a new job easier? Maybe you also want to hone your personality to ensure more satisfaction not only professionally but also privately. No matter what situation you find yourself in - with our seminars for different target groups, we pick you up where you are with a comprehensive range of manager seminars on various topics.

Master every challenge now and in the future, make the most of your opportunities and boost your own career and the success of your company with your newly acquired skills.

You will find seminars, further education & trainers on the following topics

  • 21 topics
  • 135 Dates
  • 14 Cities
  • 18 topics
  • 127 Dates
  • 14 Cities
Personality development
  • 13 topics
  • 76 Dates
  • 13 Cities
Work organisation & work technique
  • 16 topics
  • 77 Dates
  • 14 Cities
Distribution & Sales
  • 14 topics
  • 56 Dates
  • 10 Cities
  • 3 topics
  • 26 Dates
  • 10 Cities
Train the Trainer
  • 1 theme
  • 5 Dates
  • 4 Cities
Law & Data Protection
  • 3 topics
  • 4 Dates
  • 1 City

What do I get out of attending a manager seminar?

With our manager seminars you will gain skills that will open doors for you professionally. Improve your leadership style with the corresponding leadership seminars, expand your communication skills with communication training or become the best version of yourself with our in-house training.

Learn methods in our various management trainings that will make your everyday work easier or how the tactics taught in a sales training will bring you more success as a salesperson. Whichever seminar you choose - further training is always an investment in yourself, which often brings you a little closer to a promotion, salary increase or the chance of a new job. At the same time, the newly acquired hard or soft skills ensure more satisfaction in your job. You learn how to behave according to the situation and are thus well prepared for challenges.

Are you interested in a comprehensive programme that includes the contents of several seminars? Our modular staff training courses are designed to develop professional skills and knowledge for the respective fields of employment.

Management development is also an important component of a successful company within the framework of personnel development.

How are the seminars structured?

Whether rhetoric seminar, further training in project management or telephone training: the seminars of the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy all combine theory with practice. After you have been introduced to theoretical basics, you will deepen what you have learned in interactive exercises. Depending on the seminar, this may involve partner or group work, role plays, discussions and the like. Where helpful, video analyses are used to better reflect on and improve personal habits and behaviour. Through exchange with the other seminar participants and direct feedback from the trainer, direct reference can be made to your individual situations. Do you already have specific questions about a topic or would you like to have personal practical situations dealt with? Feel free to send us your questions in advance or bring your questions directly to the seminar. In addition, you will receive documents in which you can refer back to what you have learned at any time even after the seminar.

What advantages do you have with a manager seminar at the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy?

If you decide on a manager seminar from the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy, you are also deciding on practice-oriented further training on all relevant topics in management, purchasing and sales. Choose from a variety of topic-focused seminars and continue your education in exactly the area that will help you personally. Whether you are a specialist or a manager - you benefit from highly topical content, qualified trainer input and direct feedback. Through interactive training units and a low maximum number of participants, individual case studies of the participants can be dealt with and you can thus address concrete situations from your everyday work.

The management seminars are held at various locations in Germany, Austria, Belgium and Ireland as well as in Switzerland and the Netherlands. But the seminar you are looking for is not held near you? All management seminars are offered as face-to-face events as well as webinars and are guaranteed to take place.

Would you like a manager seminar in English? The Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy offers you a selection of English-language courses in addition to the German-language courses.


The Dr G. Kitzmann Akademie was named one of the most popular training providers in German-speaking countries in the German Education Awards. The award is presented by the German Institute for Service Quality and the news channel ntv. 33,000 consumers voted in a population-representative survey in the areas of value for money, variety of offers and customer service.