The Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy introduces itself


Leading successfully is the goal of every manager with certain responsibilities. In order to always keep up with the changing demands and challenges of today's business world as a prospective or experienced manager, constant personal growth is essential. With our blog articles, we keep you up to date on the latest developments and best practices.

Blog articles in the "Leadership" theme world

From employee to manager
The change from employee to manager is a formative phase in your professional development. You are now at the centre of…
Building resilience: Mastering crises with more resilience
Whether private strokes of fate, professional challenges or even exceptional global situations - no one is immune to…
Lateral leadership - leadership without authority to issue directives
With the entry of younger generations into the professional world, the trend towards more self-fulfilment as well as…
Argue successfully
Whether specialist or manager - in almost every job, everyone has to present their point of view from time to time and…
Tips for the first 100 days as a leader
Starting a new job is not always easy, especially when you take on a management position for the first time. The newly…