E-learning in the field of programming at the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy

Web Publishing (E-Learning)

Customer review of this event
Composition of the customer rating

Origin of the customer ratings

The evaluations of our seminars, webinars and workshops are given by the training participants. Following each training event, participants provide written feedback via a digital questionnaire. The customer testimonials mentioned on our website are also taken from these questionnaires.

Calculation of the overall evaluation

The total of eight evaluation criteria, which are collected by means of a questionnaire, result proportionately in the calculated overall evaluation.

23,90 EUR
(plus VAT)

Web Publishing

HTML and CSS for beginners: Create your own website!

Whether for work or private use: HTML and CSS skills are in demand nowadays like never before. Learn to read, understand and create content with HTML and CSS. In this interactive video course you will learn how HTML and CSS work and will quickly be able to create your own website and work with links, images and tables. We will also introduce you to CSS as a design tool so that your website also meets your visual requirements when it goes online.

From the first programming step to going online, this course will efficiently introduce you to the subject so that you can impress others with your own website in no time.