E-learning in the field of medicine at the Dr. G. Kitzmann Academy

Rheumatology (E-Learning)

Customer review of this event
Composition of the customer rating

Origin of the customer ratings

The evaluations of our seminars, webinars and workshops are given by the training participants. Following each training event, participants provide written feedback via a digital questionnaire. The customer testimonials mentioned on our website are also taken from these questionnaires.

Calculation of the overall evaluation

The total of eight evaluation criteria, which are collected by means of a questionnaire, result proportionately in the calculated overall evaluation.

167,90 EUR
(plus VAT)


Exam preparation Rheumatology for the Hammerexamen

This course on the subject of rheumatology provides you with a systematic overview of the most common clinical pictures in this field. We focus our extensive specialist knowledge of this sub-area of ​​internal medicine on the aspects relevant to everyday clinical practice. Rheumatology is an interdisciplinary subject of internal medicine, since many clinical pictures are also treated in an interdisciplinary manner, there are references and connecting points to other clinical subjects at various points in the course. You will learn to name the individual clinical pictures systematically based on the clinical appearance as well as the specific diagnostic procedure and therapy concepts. Special focus is placed on differential diagnostic considerations and special therapeutic challenges.

Each course section contains a concrete learning objective that points to topics relevant to the examination and is concluded with a discussion regarding clinically relevant aspects.

Note on use

After purchasing the licence for the e-learning, you have the opportunity to use it for an unlimited period of 6 months.